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Dr. William Glasser and the Training of Pedophiles

New Hampshire Attorneys General, past and present, have actual knowledge of the link between William Glasser’s Theory and the abuse of children. New Hampshire paid pedophiles working as state employees to conduct William Glasser’s Theory Experiments.

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Will EVs Ever Be Anything More Than a Niche For the Guilty Rich (and a Smattering of Ideological Zombies)?

Did you know that the people funding the Keep It in the Ground Corps are a handful of obscenely wealthy individuals who probably haven’t a clue what it is like to live in the real world? They push electrification and (of course) electric vehicles.

Teacher’s Taking Students to Get an Abortion Day and Other Parental Rights Issues

Many Granite Staters have seen the recent report in the New Hampshire Journal regarding the investigation done by the Department of Education of the New Hampshire school teacher who took a student to have an abortion.

Paris CA (Climate Accord) Out the Window as Teams Bring AC (Air Conditioners) To Paris Olympics

The people in charge of the summer Olympics (in Paris) are getting a charge out of an Olympic village with NO Air conditioners. They installed a series of cooling pipes under the floors, but the US Olympic Team, Germany, Australia, Italy, Canada, and Britain have their own ideas.

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