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Fossil Fuel Companies Won’t PAY for “Climate Change” – Vermonters Will

Vermont has just done something hailed by Climateers as groundbreaking and memorialized by The Week with the headline: ‘Vermont becomes first state to make fossil fuel companies pay for climate change.’ Really?

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Looking for Disinformation? The Government is The Best Place to Start

From the same cabal that parroted “Safe and Effective” (it was neither), a pandemic of the unvaccinated (to hide how the vaccine didn’t stop infection or spread), masks (that didn’t do what they said), lockdowns and distancing (no science supports it), and their fear campaign against cheap, safe drugs that could have helped millions —they got almost nothing right.

The go-to source for medical misinformation and disinformation was the people saying they needed to suppress our speech to protect us from what turned out to be the truth.

Happy Independence Day!

I am grateful this Independence Day that our nation still fights for the fundamental liberties our forefathers secured for the world to see. This Substack is itself evidence that Americans still value free speech, as we all seek to find truth in a world of unethical journalism and untrustworthy government.

The Forefathers Shattered My Communist Chains

My story begins in Chengdu, China, at the dawn of the Cultural Revolution, an insanity that gripped millions of my countrymen. We were destitute, as were most Chinese during this period. We lived in a primitive worker’s row house by a river sharing one tarp-covered outhouse and one water faucet…

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