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Looking for Disinformation? The Government is The Best Place to Start

From the same cabal that parroted “Safe and Effective” (it was neither), a pandemic of the unvaccinated (to hide how the vaccine didn’t stop infection or spread), masks (that didn’t do what they said), lockdowns and distancing (no science supports it), and their fear campaign against cheap, safe drugs that could have helped millions —they got almost nothing right.

The go-to source for medical misinformation and disinformation was the people saying they needed to suppress our speech to protect us from what turned out to be the truth.

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CBS News Isn’t Building Planes But Their Diversity Hires Continue To Crash and Burn

CBS has a long and storied history of fake and slanted news. It’s in their DNA. They’ve also got some experience hiding sexual harassment complaints, so why not take the leap into discriminatory racial hiring practices?

AFP – July 6th 2023 – Joe Biden WIll Defeat Donald Trump if He is the GOP Nominee

From the look what I found pile. It’s one of those glossy campaign flyers everyone throws away without looking at them. Not everyone. I like to see what the monied interests are advocating or opposing, and this one, which hit my mailbox a year ago today, was from Americans for Prosperity Action.

Big Tech Conundrum: It Can’t Have A.I. and Reduce “Emissions” – Whatever Will It Do?

Artificial Intelligence is all the rage, but its pursuit—and that of profits—has created a problem. You don’t birth digital consciousness out of nothing. Even the most basic AI requires a lot of electricity, and the more powerful the system is, the more users call upon it and the more significant…

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